The Grace Experiment is our private group within our MotherHood community. It's where we explore mom-struggles and use grace to navigate them.

We introduce new experiments every 2 months based on our 6 Pillars of GIRLife: productivity, awareness, wellness, growth, home & family.

Here's what to expect...

We meet "live" weekly in the Grace Lab on Zoom for an hour. Our conversation is driven by the week's topic and will result in actionable takeaways for you to apply to mom-life.

The Grace Lab Zoom is at 1pm ET on Fridays. If you can't join us live, you'll have access to the replay.

We also welcome an expert guest expert each month to present on the current experiment topic.

The grace experiment meets you where you are so you can grow at your pace. It provides an opportunity for vulnerability, community, and accountability - the secret ingredients for getting results!

When you join...

You'll be added to the private group and automatically enrolled in our ongoing experiments.

Look for an email from us on Fridays with a link to the Grace Lab. If you have questions, connect with us at

Enter your name & email to join

    We respect your privacy. Unsubsribe at any time.