
Rachel Antone

Issue #110 | Is Goal Setting Realistic for Busy Moms?

Published about 2 years ago • 2 min read


Grace in Growth | Week #8 of 8

I'm not a goal setter

There, I said it.

In my 45+ years, I've simply not had success with goal setting.

As someone who has spent most of her life as a self-proclaimed over-achiever, that comes as a surprise even to me.

However, as a highly sensitive, anxiety-ridden person, I've had to throw in the towel because the energy drain of the repeated failure is too daunting.

Are goals not new year's resolutions in sheep's clothing?... Bound to be eaten by the big, bad wolf.

What am I missing? And why do I feel like despite my hard stance on the issue, I should keep trying? (Ugh, stupid over-acheiver-ness!)

Here's what I was missing

I realize now that I was taking the skeet shooting approach to goal setting.

Skeet shooting... You know, it's when clay targets are mechanically flung into the air and then participants attempt to break them using a shotgun?

I was setting big, hairy, audacious goals, and then attempting to shoot them out of the air. Only, it turns out, skeet shooting is hard.

I was missing the target most of time. #failure!

Seriously though, as a busy mom, life offers little room for chasing big goals.

There's a better approach

I found great clarity in this week's featured podcast episode, Why Not Me? | Time Out: A Fair Play Podcast (43:54).

I was reminded that while we can set big, hairy, audacious, (authentic!) goals, it's helpful to set smaller goals designed to chip away at the bigger goals.

The small steps matter, and frankly, make all the difference!

The surprise ending

While by definition goal setting means that we begin with the end in mind, the most important thing we can do is "be on the journey; guided forward, knowing that the destination might change as [we] learn and grow."

Wait, a different destination? And that's okay?

Yes! Stay on the journey. Keep moving forward.

“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.”
― H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Listen up!

The podcast episode is SO good. What I've shared thus far only scratches the surface.

It's an interview with Robin Arzón, VP of Fitness Programming and Head Instructor at Peloton, and author of Strong Mama.

It digs into values and balance and living in alignment with your priorities and so much more. By the end, I was pumped up. It will surely be one I listen to again and again.

We're going to chat about the episode this Friday. Are you in? Here are the details for the call...

👩🏽‍💻 The Grace Lab

Join us this Friday, 4/22, at 2pm ET for our weekly community call. The call is very casual and all are welcome!

📆 Add the weekly call to your calendar.

Listen to this podcast episode prior to the call: Why Not Me? | Time Out: A Fair Play Podcast (43:54) then meet us in the Grace Lab on Zoom. We start every call with a podcast chat to get the conversation going!

Click on the image below to visit our online community where you will find all of the details for this event. RSVP if you'd like to receive an email reminder one hour before the call. The reminder will contain access to the episode as well as the Zoom link.

Grace in The Race - The Grace Lab

🎙 The Podcast Playlist for Busy Moms

HERE is a sneak peak at this week's line-up. Click on the image below to listen to the full playlist. Remember to 💚 it to save it to your Spotify library... so you can chip away at it all week!

Grace in the Race Podcast Playlist

Rachel Antone

Capacity Coach

I guide growth-inspired women to cycle through the seasons by living in alignment with realistic expectations of their time and energy one week at a time.

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