
Rachel Antone

Issue #111 | Hack Your Spring Cleaning

Published about 2 years ago • 2 min read


Grace in Home | Week #1 of 8

Why do we spring clean?

This week we shift to our next 8-week series where we'll cover all things HOME!

As I sat down to write this issue, I knew I wanted to dip a toe into the topic of spring cleaning. It got me wondering where this idea of spring cleaning came from, so I Googled it.

I found an article called How Spring Cleaning Became an Annual Tradition and was surprised to find that it is rooted in religion, culture and biology. Who knew?

This passage from the article spoke to me:

We literally don't have the energy to deep clean during colder months. But once the days start getting longer, we're energized by more sunlight and melatonin production subsides. - Maria Carter, Country Living

Show of hands, did that resonate with anyone else?

Mother Nature is on to something.

I indeed struggle to deep clean anything from November - March.

The reason is clear. I am solar powered, and hence otherwise inexplicably deprived of energy while the light and the warmth of the sun leave Michigan for 5 months each year. (Why do I live here?)

Mother nature, that wild thing, sent us 4 inches of snow last Monday and by the weekend we hit temps in the 80s. (Ah yes, that's why I stay.)

The nice weather sent me into full-on spring cleaning mode... or perhaps my version is better described as spring decluttering.

I got through every item of clothing in my kids' rooms and even reorganized their dressers and closets to accommodate new seasonal apparel (aka hand-me-downs) and spring sports items. Baseball gear came to the forefront and snow gear was washed and stored/donated.

It felt amazing to have it off my to-do list!

How do you spring clean/declutter? Do you have a system or strategy? Are you in the market for one?...

Listen Up!

On our Podcast Playlist this week, the featured episode is called Want a clean and organized home? I have a SECRET trick for you!

The episode description says it all:

Spring cleaning, decluttering and home organizing can seem like overwhelming and daunting tasks. The truth is, the expectations you put on yourself are probably just WAY too high. Stop overcomplicating spring cleaning, lower your expectations and watch your home magically become cleaner and more organized! - Cassandra Aarssen, Founder of ClutterBug

Cassandra breaks it down into manageable tasks and offers concise steps to tackle spring cleaning with grace!

We're going to chat about the episode this Friday and share spring cleaning tips and tricks. Are you in? Here are the details for the call...

👩🏽‍💻 The Grace Lab

Join us this Friday, 4/29, at 2pm ET for our weekly community call. The call is very casual and all are welcome!

📆 Add the weekly call to your calendar. It contains links to the Zoom call as well as our events page with the episode details.

Listen to this podcast episode prior to the call: Want a clean and organized home? I have a SECRET trick for you! Then meet us in the Grace Lab on Zoom. We start every call with a podcast chat to get the conversation going!

Click on the image below to visit our online community where you will find all of the details for this event. RSVP if you'd like to receive an email reminder one hour before the call. The reminder will contain access to the episode as well as the Zoom link.

Grace in The Race - The Grace Lab

🎙 The Podcast Playlist for Busy Moms

Listen to a sneak peek of this week's line-up HERE on Instagram and click on the image below to listen to the full playlist. Remember to 💚 it to save it to your Spotify library... so you can chip away at it all week!

Grace in the Race Podcast Playlist

Rachel Antone

Capacity Coach

I guide growth-inspired women to cycle through the seasons by living in alignment with realistic expectations of their time and energy one week at a time.

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